Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Jesus Freaks

Back in the '70s most of us Christians came to fondly embrace the term "Jesus freaks". It was originally intended to be insulting and deragatory...but we kind of liked it. I guess it's a little like the whole "cheesehead" thing.

There was some weird kind of respect back then for anyone who was seen as " doing your own thing".

In our culture of today, Christians seem to be tolerated less and less and are seen as extremists.

I guess we just need to remember that we reach the world one person at a time.

Everybody is a freak about something.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Easy Riders

In our efforts to become accepted members of this local motorcycle gang, Larry and I did a little motorcycle shopping today. We went to a Victory motorcycle dealership and Larry had a chance to take test rides on two different models.

We also stopped at the Harley dealership across the street. Lots of motorcycles. Lots of people. No test rides.

Anyway, any day you can take a motorcycle ride is a good day.

The main reason we want to be members of this particular motorcycle gang is that Larry and I both fit the required physical profile. And we both own blue jeans.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Truck Drivin' Son of a Gun

Today my brother and I met with an attorney about setting up a new corporation for his trucking company. He needs to come up with a company name. We also went to the Volvo/Mack truck dealership and took a ride in the Volvo 630 (pictured). This rig has a double sleeper bunk (one up / one down), refrigerator and is set up for TV and microwave. It drives like a new Chevy Pick-up truck - except this is a 10 speed.
I could live in this truck.

Kinda makes me miss my truckin' days.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Canis latrans

Apparently, coyotes have been seen with greater regularity in many urban areas around Phoenix. Pets have disappeared, so people are getting much more cautious about letting "Fluffy" out in the yard.

Larry has a pigeon problem in his front yard. His front yard is only about the size of the living room, but close to a dozen pigeons hang out there. The funny thing is - his is the only house in the whole neighborhood with any pigeons at all.

Maybe he could use a resident coyote.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Web Woman

Tonight my brother bought a laptop computer for our Mom who just turned 84. Pete is working at getting everything set up for her so it will be simple for her to use.

We think that if she gets used to it, it would be really fun for her to stay in touch with email and looking at all the photos we can send her.

She doesn't know anything about it, yet. So it should be quite a surprise.

A Tale of Two Churches

This weekend I attended two different churches.

The music and media at both churches was great, so the defining factor for me was the content of the message

Saturday night Molly (my niece) was leading the worship singing at SSCC (Superstition Springs Community Church). She did a great job. The pastor is a young, handsome, body builder type (not that there's anything wrong with that). The church is growing so fast that they can't build new buildings fast enough. There is a Saturday night service and three Sunday morning services. The message, however, was mostly a report of how great their church is and all the great things they do. Very little Bible and somewhat misapplied (in my opinion).

Sunday morning I attended Grace Community Church. Still a pretty good sized church, but a little more urban in location. They have a member of the pastoral team serving as interim.

I liked his message. He actually wrote "hypostatic union" on a board during his message. That made points with me. He also quoted Martin Luther (pictured) and closed his message with a scripture quote from memory.
There seems to be a lot of good churches out here, but I think the teaching level at Fontana Bible Church is rare indeed.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Lava Liability

Well, it's Saturday morning and there's already been some excitement. I knew something was up when I spotted Larry running/limping (scorpion sting) down the stairs then running/limping back up frantically with a towel in one hand and a roll of paper towels trailing in the other. In an innocent attempt to turn on the Lava lamp, it ended up broken (more like exploded) with green "lava" all over the light beige carpet. Regardless of what you might see on the tv commercials for cleaning products - there was nothing easy or magical about the effort involved in this multi-surface cleanup of the carpet, wall, desk, computer, musical instruments, etc. I have to say I am mighty impressed with the final result, though.

Maybe there is a reason Lava lamps went out of style. Or perhaps the revival has been sponsored by the carpet industry.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Scorpion Revenge

Last night as I was walking through the living room of my brother's house, I saw a scorpion on the floor. Since I was barefoot, I couldn't step on it so we took a shoe and killed it.

So, tonight as my brother is walking into his bedroom, he steps on a scorpion which stings him in the ankle. Most of his heel, ankle and calf are numb now, but at least the pain has subsided. The worst part is - the vicious little rascal escaped and we never did find it.

Needless to say, I am in the habit now of checking my shoes before I put them on. And since they sometimes get in the beds (my brother once got stung in bed), I guess I'll be pulling all my covers back every night for a careful bedcheck. Out here the bedbugs really do bite.

Made it to AZ

Well, I made it to Arizona and am staying with my brother and his family for now while I explore the horizon for a new career opportunity.