Monday, July 23, 2007

A Tale of Two Churches

This weekend I attended two different churches.

The music and media at both churches was great, so the defining factor for me was the content of the message

Saturday night Molly (my niece) was leading the worship singing at SSCC (Superstition Springs Community Church). She did a great job. The pastor is a young, handsome, body builder type (not that there's anything wrong with that). The church is growing so fast that they can't build new buildings fast enough. There is a Saturday night service and three Sunday morning services. The message, however, was mostly a report of how great their church is and all the great things they do. Very little Bible and somewhat misapplied (in my opinion).

Sunday morning I attended Grace Community Church. Still a pretty good sized church, but a little more urban in location. They have a member of the pastoral team serving as interim.

I liked his message. He actually wrote "hypostatic union" on a board during his message. That made points with me. He also quoted Martin Luther (pictured) and closed his message with a scripture quote from memory.
There seems to be a lot of good churches out here, but I think the teaching level at Fontana Bible Church is rare indeed.

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