Friday, February 29, 2008

Buckle Up

Whenever I fly, I think of the same thing.
Does a person who:

  • Knows how to successfully schedule and book a flight
  • Manages to arrive at the proper airport terminal
  • Checks their baggage and obtains a boarding pass
  • Navigates through airport security with all of its peculiar regulations (i.e. no fluid greater than 3 oz., separate clear plastic bags, remove shoes, remove jacket and place in separate container, empty pockets, remove belt, etc, etc. etc.)
  • Finds their departure gate
  • Boards the aircraft and locates their seat

Really need step by step instructions on how to fasten a seat belt???

Is it such a complex mechanical maneuver that we need to be verbally instructed with accompanying visual aids to understand the process?

Besides all of that, I defy you to even find a person in our American society who is totally unfamiliar with how to buckle a seat belt. And even if you found this person (which you wouldn't), how challenging is it for them to look at the two pieces and figure it out?

When I fly now, I just look around to see if I can spot the person they are talking to. You know, the one looking completely confused and frustrated with the complicated and technical responsibility of buckling their own seat belt.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ask Ramis

Dear Ramis,

I think a friend of mine is running around with someone she shouldn't. I'm afraid if I confront her, she'll just get mad at me and never speak to me again. On the other hand, if I don't say anything...what kind of friend am I? - I mean, letting her ruin her life while I just stand by, like I approve or something. She is really making a mistake with this guy. And I'm not the only one who thinks so. What should I do?

Konfused and Koncerned in Kenosha

Dear KKK,

Hmmmmmmmm. That's really a tough call. I don't have anything to tell you. In the future, however, if you want to write to my column - please only ask questions that have easy answers.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Ridin' in my car, Turn on the radio...

I'll Fly Away

Next week, I begin my whirlwind tour of the nation.

Tuesday morning, I leave Phoenix, fly to Houston - change planes, then fly on to Orlando, Florida. Wednesday morning, I leave in a car to drive to Kentucky with my Mom and Aunt Bonnie.

Saturday, March 1, I will fly from Louisville, Kentucky to Chicago. Arriving in Chicago Saturday night, I will take a bus home to Clinton.

HOME for a week.

March 10, someone (Matt?) will take me to Milwaukee so I can fly back to Phoenix.

I should get back in Phoenix just in time to see my brother before he leaves for two weeks in China.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Pancake Day

I ended up at an IHOP for lunch today - only to discover that, coincidentally, today was free pancake day at IHOP.

A free short stack of pancakes with every order.

I haven't had pancakes for quite a while, so it was a welcome indulgence.

It was tempting to order pancakes.

The Office


How long did it take you to spot the two items from "The Office" in this office?

King of the Road?

Guess which one is the truck driver?
Well...none of them.
Though my brother (far right) probably is still capable, he's not legal to actually be a pavement pounding king of the road.
So, this is a few of the people who work in my brother's office. And this is one of our two new trucks hauling its first load from Tucson AZ to Long Beach CA.

Monday, February 11, 2008

New Car

Not me.
My niece, Molly, got herself a new car last week.
It's a Honda Accord
White (As you can see)

One sweet ride.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Caffeine Challenged

Wow. OK... it's been a while since my last post. Sorry about that. Maybe everyone has given up by now and doesn't even check anymore.

Nevertheless, I have an excuse.

Even though Jean faithfully makes a pot of coffee every morning; and I make sure to avail myself of a cup, I realize it's just not enough.

The other day I received an unexpected package. I was pretty excited to discover that Dylan, Jamie and Diedra had conspired to send me a new kind of cofeemaker to try.

Recently, I have been intrigued with the concept of a pod coffeemaker. Now, thanks to my longevity and thereby my opportunity to celebrate yet another birthday - along with the generosity of my children - I have one.

I need to get some pods, then I'll give it a try.

My posts should come with greater regularity after I have a steady supply source of caffeine.