Monday, April 14, 2008

Prime the Pump

Saturday, I decided to take a motorcycle ride up to the top of South Mountain. It's about a 6 mile winding road up to the top. The temperature was around 90 degrees. I passed several people riding bicycles up to the summit.

Something that impressed me was what you see in this photo. At several points along the road up I spotted a collection of various beverages like water, Gatorade, etc. Also, some snacks like pretzels and power bars. Sometimes, they were sitting on a ledge, or sometimes, they were hanging in a bag tied to a road sign. Anyway, I realized these impromptu refreshment stops had been placed as a consideration for the bicyclists.

I was reminded of the old story about a well in the middle of the desert. As the only source of water for days of travel across the desert, it was absolutely essential for the wild west cowboy to locate this well to refill his water supply. Upon finally locating the well, he discovers a pump and a note. The note reads, " 20 paces to the west you will find a canteen full of water buried under a rock. Use this water to prime the pump and you will be able to get as much water as you need. Before you leave, refill the canteen and replace it under the same rock. If you drink the water from the canteen, the next traveller will die."

There is something quietly encouraging about people doing something to care for others they may never meet.

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