Sunday, July 27, 2008

No Pomp nor Circumstance

No Cap
No Gown
No Tassel
No Ceremony
No Pomp and Circumstance

My achievement this year has been to obtain my Arizona State Contractors License.

I passed the exams, submitted all the necessary qualifications and experience records for the state to provide me with a dual residential/commercial general contractors license.

Copperhead Construction LLC is also licensed with the Arizona Corporation Commission and I am the owner.

Even though I never went to college, it all makes me feel a little like I can share in the sense of accomplishment that Jamie, Dylan and Cathy all experienced this past year in receiving their University degrees.

Officially, I hold a KB-02 license number ROC244917.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Oreos and Motorcycles

There is a Harley Davidson dealership in northern Phoenix known as Buddy Stubbs Harley Davidson. Buddy grew up racing motorcycles in the 50's and 60's. At his dealership, he also houses a motorcycle museum with about 150 vintage motorcycles of all kinds from all over the world. I knew he offered tours on the last Saturday of every month - today fell into that category.
I decided to ride up there today and check things out.
When I arrived, they were having some kind of event (fairly typical for a HD dealership on any given weekend). After asking where I might find a bottle of water, I ended up in a room with tables of food. There was ham, turkey, beef, cheese,. chips and cookies. Two large coolers were filled with cold soda and bottled water. I had to ask if this was all for some local group. "Nope. It's for anybody and it's free. Help yourself."
I accepted that invitation.
An observation I'd like to make at this point may not make sense to everyone, but here it is anyway.
When you are giving away all this free food to a bunch of bikers - who cares what brand of chips you buy, or what kind of cookies you put on the table? Or if you put any cookies out at all?

The chips were genuine Ruffles. The cookies were genuine Oreos.

I like the fact that when given an opportunity to skimp by buying cheap chips and knock-off Oreos, they didn't.

Sometimes, it's refreshing to find someone willing to spend a little extra for the real thing - even if they are just giving it away.

I was also able to tour the museum, with Buddy Stubbs as the guide. It was fascinating to hear his stories about the history behind some of the cycles.

So, all in all, it was very enjoyable. I got to meet the real Buddy Stubbs, see some authentic vintage motorcycles, eat authentic Ruffles and authentic Oreo cookies.

And it didn't cost me a dime.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Twin Cities Church

What to do on a Thursday evening in Minneapolis, Minnesota?

Stop in at the home of Jamie and Diedra Nass. They are having church.

Twin Cities Church has a meeting every week at their place.

Last Thursday, I was able to be there with them. What a wonderful evening.

First of all, a great group of people arrived, then we sat down to a fine meal.

After eating, we all sang a couple of hymns. Then Jamie led a discussion on a passage from Ephesians 3.

As people were filtering home, I was able to have some interesting conversations.

Good food, good people, good singing, good teaching, good conversation. What more could you want on any given Thursday?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jimmy Alabama

Who is Jimmy Alabama?

Jimmy Alabama is an ex-marine sniper and weapons specialist now working for Greenpeace. He is actively involved in the NRA while simultaneously being passionate about his membership in PETA. Politically, he is known as a liberal Democratic Republican conservative who can be seen supporting the Green party on occasion. His unending battle against global warming is matched only by his loyalty to Ducks Unlimited, and of course, Whitetails Unlimited. His Hummer is easily recognized by the bumper sticker, "No War For Oil".

The truth is, Jimmy Alabama supports every cause and participates in any special offer presented to him by anyone - but especially those people on the sidewalks of Minneapolis who beckon, "Can I have a minute of your time?". Now, all of these people with global causes, political agendas and special offers will be uniformly invited to email Jimmy about "Saving the planet, saving the children, saving the whales, saving gas, ...whatever.

Because any cause is his cause.

Email Jimmy at

Jimmy Alabama lives.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Today, Larry and Dylan and I went to a baseball game.

Arizona Diamondbacks vs. Milwaukee Brewers

We sat in the enclosed air conditioned comfort of Chase field at 72 degrees when the outside temperature was about 110.

Dylan and I wore the appropriate Brewer apparel, while Larry wore his free Diamondback t-shirt from his bank (Chase Bank I'm guessing).

The Brewers were ahead 5 - 0 going in to the bottom of the 9th inning. Somehow, despite their inability to score a single run all day, the Diamondbacks managed to score 6 in the bottom of the 9th to win.

As you can tell, this photo of me and Dylan was taken prior to the bottom of the 9th inning.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Canyon Cowboys

I just realized that I failed to post the news that Dylan and I went to the Grand Canyon a couple of weeks ago.

We left Phoenix on Saturday morning and found the last campsite available in Sedona. And I really mean the last site in the last campground.

There were only 2 simple goals for the weekend.

1. Buy cowboy hats
2. See the Grand Canyon

Based on this agenda, the weekend could not have been a greater success.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008