Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pack Away?, Throw Away?, Give Away?

Well, this is an actual unretouched photo of the Nass family bedroom while being packed for moving day. It's a little overwhelming and kind of frightening to look around and see all that needs to be done. All we can do is charge ahead and keep working on it.
Unfortunately, Oscar is not being any help at all.
Oops... I better get going before I get caught sitting on the couch typing on my laptop.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lap of Luxury

Last night I left Phoenix about 5:30pm to head for Wisconsin. By 6:30 this morning, I made it to Amarillo, Texas. Tomorrow night, I will be in Saint Louis, Missouri. Then home on Monday in time to watch the Packer game with my wife.
The astute observer will notice what appears to be one of my Mother's handmade afghans on my motel bed. One look at the comforter and blanket provided with the room made me realize I really did not want them touching me. I went out to my truck and retrieved something much safer to sleep with.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


1/4 inch to go.
Most of the things in life that we anticipate, we are eagerly awaiting the beginning.
There seem to be very few pleasant experiences that generate excitement because they are about to end.
We are much more eager for a vacation to begin than to end. Our anticipation of a delicious meal is in waiting for the first bite. The first day we drive off in a new car is more fun than the day we sell it or junk it.
I enjoy reading. Even though I read different kinds of books, a good novel is a refreshing escape for me. It's a bit like the pleasure of a really good movie only extended a couple of days, or even weeks, instead of a couple of hours.
As of tonight, I only have a few pages remaining of a novel I started a few days ago.
I eagerly anticipate the conclusion of a well-written book. Sometimes, I even slow my pace as I reach the final chapters, just to savor the story a little longer.
So, I'm ready to finish this book I've been reading because tonight I went to the bookstore and bought a new one.
...And I'm eager to start it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rare Photo

Sometime about 25 or 30 years ago, this vagrant stranger showed up at my brother's house. He sat there in the rocking chair for hours spinning tales of his journeys and adventures.
Nobody really knows what ever became of him, with his bushy beard and wire-rimmed glasses.
My guess is...he doesn't exist anymore. Though, there are times when he seems to have been in places familiar to me. Other times, I think I recognize him following me at a distance. When I turn back to find him...he's gone.