Monday, January 12, 2009

Catastrophic Failure

When you turn on your computer and the screen reads, "Unexpected Error - Catastrophic Failure", you might as well cancel any plans you had for a couple of days - you will be working on a lengthy process of data recovery and restoration. Or, as in my case, dumbfoundedly watching Pete with my hands in my pockets as he spends hours deftly maneuvering the innards of my computer like some techno-surgeon. Gradually, he gets all those renegade bits of data corralled and manages to scold them into orderly submission.

So, as of today, I have my computer back in running order.

Thanks Pete.

Tons of things have happened since my last post. We now live in another part of the country. Phoenix is our new home.

I'll add another post to explain some of the details associated with moving 2000 miles across country to an apartment you've never seen.

As long as the only thing in my life to experience "Catastrophic Failure" is my computer, I guess I should be grateful.

1 comment:

Dyl said...

Oooo no!! Well at least Pete was there to the rescue! Haha.

And Uncle Larry's blog has already been deleted from my favorites toolbar... and Cathy's is DANGEROUSLY close.

Tell her to stinkin update!!!