Saturday, February 7, 2009

Key to the City?

We just moved into a new apartment complex. That means a bunch of new keys. It made me think about how many keys I have to keep. An apartment key, a gate key, the pool key, post office box key, my truck key, toolbox key, office key, bathroom key, cycle key, storage unit key, trailer hitch key, receiver pin key... then I also have to have some fobs... garage door fob, cycle alarm fob and gate fob.

Certain traffic intersections around Phoenix are popular with the homeless and destitute. They stand along the roadway, usually holding a cardboard sign asking for help or a handout. So, the other day, as I was sitting at one of these intersections waiting for the light to change, I am watching one of these men walk along next to the cars, carrying his sign. He is walking toward my truck, but then the light changes, so he turns around to catch the stopped traffic on the cross street. As he turns around to walk away from me, I notice hanging on the back of his belt a big ring of keys. Wait a minute...keys... a bunch of them. Somebody explain this to me. What are all of his keys for?

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