Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bedtime for Bonzo

OK. So the bed for Jamie and Diedra is done.

Here I am finishing the wiring of the recessed lights.

Now I just have to figure out how to deliver it to Minneapolis without running into rain anywhere. Oh, and I have to be back before Friday so we can leave for Indiana.

The Draft

Dylan is pretty intense during his fantasy football draft on Sunday. I think it took about 5 or 6 hours for his league to finish their draft, but his team is set. No Packers on his team... oh, well. He wanted their defense, but somebody else beat him to it.
I'm not sure how you cheer for that.
"Go Fantasy!"
"Beat Fantasy!"

Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy Happy Joy Joy

This morning as I am listening to a popular Christian radio station, 102.5, I hear them say my wife's name. They also say, "Clinton". I also hear the words, "grand prize winner".

I start saying to Cathy as she is getting ready for work, "They just said your name on the radio!, they just said your name on the radio!"

Well, sure enough, we are the winners.

They are sending us to the "Weekend to Remember Family Life Seminar" in Madison. They will pay for the weekend...the seminar, the hotel and everything!

The on-air radio personality tried to call her as we were listening, and of course, got her cell phone voice mail (nothing new to me). After about 20 minutes Cathy succeeded in calling them back and was on the air. She is really excited.

Cathy has wanted us to go to one of these for a long time, but they are expensive and we couldn't always get the time off. So now, I guess there is no doubt, we are supposed to be there...and we will.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Birthday Boy

Tonight we all went to The Golden Corral in Georgetown KY for a big buffet steak dinner to celebrate Dylan's 24th birthday, which is actually tomorrow, on the 24th. I guess that makes it his golden birthday.

Here he is with his Grandma.

Happy Birthday!

Travellin' Man

Just to give you all an idea of my travel plans for the next couple of weeks - it goes something like this:

Last Tuesday=Wisconsin
Tuesday night=Kentucky
Wednesday=North Carolina
Wednesday night=Kentucky
Wednesday=Cassville Wisconsin
Monday (Labor Day)=Home

Then I can leave for Arizona.

Dylan and I went to Norht Carolina yesterday from Kentucky. We drove the 600 mile round trip in my Mom's car - The Buick Roadmaster

Thursday, August 16, 2007

It Sucks

So, today I had to do a little carpet maintenance in our apartment.

As always, before I can do something, I ususally have to fix something.

Case in point-vacuum cleaner. I had to take it apart and clean the filter (typical). After making a few runs on the floor, it didn't seem to be picking up. The roller on the bottom was not turning because it was all wound up with hair and thread and stuff. After a few minutes of cutting and pulling, everything seemed to be running fine again.

Ok, so my point is how many people out there take their vacuum cleaners apart to make sure they are working alright?

Now, granted, I have a cheap vacuum... so it won't work unless I do all this stuff with it pretty regularly. Maybe if I bought one of those $500. Dyson machines, I'd never have to think about it-I don't really know.

But for now, if I want the machine to clean - I have to clean the machine. Because when it comes to vacuum cleaners, "If it doesn't suck...it sucks".

Monday, August 13, 2007

9:06 P.M.


One of the several projects I am working on - now that I am unemployed - is a bed. This is a bed for Jamie and Diedra. They have just moved to Minneapolis.

I have the bed built now, I just need to sand it, stain it, and finish it. Then put some recessed lights in the headboard.

I need to try to have it complete this week so I can deliver it to them by the weekend.

I built it in my garage, which is a little risky, because we live in an apartment building and I don't want people to get upset by the noise, dust and odor.

2 Wheelin' Again

I am once again reunited... with my wife and family (ha - you thought I was going to say "motorcycle").
Back in Wisconsin I am able to go riding and the weather is actually pleasant.
I am eager to finsh all the odd jobs I came here to do so I can spend some 2 wheel time.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Friendly Skies

Well, I took that "big old jet airliner" across the friendly skies back to Wisconsin. I'll be here a few weeks - gotta lot to do while I'm here. Cleaning stuff, building stuff and I have to run down to Kentucky to make sure Mom can turn on her new computer. I'm not sure I'm the right man for the job, it took me most of the day today to figure out how to get my wireless router set up. (Which is why there has been a bit of a gap in my posts) Anyway, I think Dylan may come with me... so not to fear.

Monday, August 6, 2007


Today as I was making my way through Phoenix traffic I found myself behind a car with a vanity plate which read "FATEH".

As I thought about it, I concluded he must be an overweight Canadian.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Necktie Sale

It's been a long time since I've had the opportunity to visit several churches and be an objective observer. I don't have the intention of being critical - but I have some observations.

Of the 3 different churches I have attended there are some very specific common demoninators.

1) Pastoral Dress Code

All three head pastors got the same memo: "Wear blue jeans with a collar shirt - untucked - NO TIE"

2) Order of Service

Begin with excellent musicians and singers leading praise music that is projected onto multiple large screens. The music and sound systems (sometimes light shows) are concert quality. Follow this with a message that is ususally strong on application and seeker friendly.

3) Stage Dressing

In the theatre, this term applies to the items on the stage during any given scene (furniture, etc.). All 3 - I kid you not - all 3 had a stool and a small table beside it for the pastor during the message. This creates a very casual and informal image. It's unpretensious.

I make no judgments about these things, they are just observations.

The point of all this is simply: "If you come to Arizona don't plan to make a living selling neckties or pulpits.