Thursday, August 16, 2007

It Sucks

So, today I had to do a little carpet maintenance in our apartment.

As always, before I can do something, I ususally have to fix something.

Case in point-vacuum cleaner. I had to take it apart and clean the filter (typical). After making a few runs on the floor, it didn't seem to be picking up. The roller on the bottom was not turning because it was all wound up with hair and thread and stuff. After a few minutes of cutting and pulling, everything seemed to be running fine again.

Ok, so my point is how many people out there take their vacuum cleaners apart to make sure they are working alright?

Now, granted, I have a cheap vacuum... so it won't work unless I do all this stuff with it pretty regularly. Maybe if I bought one of those $500. Dyson machines, I'd never have to think about it-I don't really know.

But for now, if I want the machine to clean - I have to clean the machine. Because when it comes to vacuum cleaners, "If it doesn't sucks".

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