Saturday, August 30, 2008

Just Desserts

Yesterday morning, my wife called me to ask what kind of stereo we had in the pickup truck she drives. Since she called me while driving the pickup, I thought that was a pretty curious question.

Well, as you have probably guessed, overnight someone stole the stereo out of our truck. Cathy was filing a police report.

It was a Blaupunkt with a removable face. As it turned out - the whole thing was removable.

Anyway, it would be satisfying to find the person who now has our stereo. Id like to see how they like it... especially since it has been broken for about a year.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Camping Conundrum

From time to time, I notice things that seem very ordinary, but then as I start to think them through, I wonder how we got there.

"Let's padlock the toilet paper."

While enjoying the luxury accommodations of a New Mexico campground pit toilet, I observed the serious security that had been applied to the toilet paper roll. Now, to be sure, I am awfully glad someone took efforts to ensure the availability of this delicate comfort to me.

And yet...?

As I recalled checking in to the campground the night before, I remembered that the guard station was closed and no one was on duty. They had instituted what they call, "Self Check-In". You put your money in a box at the gate. We call this the "Honor System".

So, even though you can use the campground on the 'honor system", there is apparently no honor among toilet paper thieves.

We trust you with our campground, we just don't trust you with our toilet paper.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Motorcycle Math

Today, I decided to put new grips on my motorcycle. My plan is to travel to Colorado later this week, so I am trying to get things ready.
As I came out into the parking lot to get on my bike, I saw this guy sitting on the pavement with a bunch of tools spread out on the ground repairing the shifter linkage on his motorcycle. His cycle was very heavily loaded down with all kinds of gear and he had Minnesota plates.While I was standing there talking to him, a couple of guys from the dealership came out and offered to help him push his machine up by the building where he could be in the shade.
Did I mention it was 106 degrees?
His reply was, "Dat's OK. I'm fine. I gotta get used to it, anyway." They tried several times to convince him.
Did I mention it was 106 degrees?
Finally, they gave up and I heard one of them say to the other as they were walking back, "Those guys from Minnesota are tough."
I was thinking, "Yep. I coulda told ya dat."
Back to my story.
I decided to try doing the installation of the new grips myself, so that I could save $40. A couple of hours later, I was pretty pleased with myself at having succeeded.
So, I saved $40.
I did, however, buy a belt buckle for $30. and the tools needed for the installation cost me $16. So, that makes $46.
The way I figure it, the grips I removed, I can sell on Ebay. All I have to do is get $6, and I break even...or is it $46. to break even? I don't know... I'm not sure.
Anyway, if you're interested, the grips pictured are the ones for sale. look for them on Ebay.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Yesterday, on my way home from the office to my brother's house (where I'm staying), the street was closed off with crime scene tape. News helicopters and camera crews were all on the scene.

Apparently, someone found a body in the canal just a couple of blocks from my brother's house.

Since the police don't suspect "foul play", I guess this should still be considered a safe neighborhood.

So Long, Brett

For anyone out there aspiring to become a negotiator - take a close look at the methods of Ted Thompson. You can learn everything NOT to do.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008