Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Camping Conundrum

From time to time, I notice things that seem very ordinary, but then as I start to think them through, I wonder how we got there.

"Let's padlock the toilet paper."

While enjoying the luxury accommodations of a New Mexico campground pit toilet, I observed the serious security that had been applied to the toilet paper roll. Now, to be sure, I am awfully glad someone took efforts to ensure the availability of this delicate comfort to me.

And yet...?

As I recalled checking in to the campground the night before, I remembered that the guard station was closed and no one was on duty. They had instituted what they call, "Self Check-In". You put your money in a box at the gate. We call this the "Honor System".

So, even though you can use the campground on the 'honor system", there is apparently no honor among toilet paper thieves.

We trust you with our campground, we just don't trust you with our toilet paper.

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