Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Clean Restrooms

Yes, they do.

While driving across Iowa, I felt the urge of nature's call. I needed gas anyway, so I patiently pumped first then went inside to discover the men's room was closed for cleaning. OK, I thought. I will go further up the road and stop at a different station to get some coffee and use their facilities. As I went inside, I discovered that the restroom at this second station was also closed for cleaning. They did, however, post a sign directing me to another men's room in another section of the store. I proceeded to that restroom to be greeted by another sign reading, "out of order".

Needless to say, (I'll say it anyway) I found Iowa not to be a bladder friendly state.

This is a photo of me standing somewhere in the middle of Iowa. Because the heater core went out in the Jimmy, this is the way I was dressed while driving all day.

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