Friday, November 30, 2007


Someone asked Mike Huckabee what he thought Jesus would do about some political issue - I don't remember what the issue was. Anyway, Huckabee's response was that Jesus was too smart to ever run for public office.

This got me thinking about the whole WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) thing, and how I would answer that type of question.

Since biblically and theologically Jesus is God, then the question is really, "What would God do when confronted with this situation?" , or "How would God react to this set of circumstances?"

So, for me, I guess that's the problem. We are looking for God's reaction to our scenario.

I believe that God is very actively involved in and with His creation, I just don't think He is reactively involved. There are an abundance of biblical references to God initiating action toward us. At Christmas we are reminded of the ultimate initiative of God into His creation.

God orchestrates all of history. He doesn't react to it. Even though Jesus suffered the execution of crucifixion by the Romans, He said that no one takes His life from Him. He has the power to lay it down and take it back up again.

I appreciate the original intent of the WWJD concept - pulling Christ's perspective into our contemporary culture and finding a method to bring biblical relevance into our everyday lives.

But let's not put God at the disposal of our imagination. He is the author and source of everything.
We need to respond to Him , rather than speculate how He would respond to us.

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