Wednesday, December 24, 2008


It warmed up a little, of course, it snowed... and it kind of rained a freezing drizzle mist like stuff that immediately froze on the roads. Cathy and I had to drive up to Janesville to grab a few Christmas gifts since we are headed down to Rock Island on Christmas Day.
In the 15 mile stretch of Interstate 90 from Beloit to Janesville I counted 14 vehicles that had spun off the road into the ditch or in the median.
So this gave me an idea for a new kind of travel bingo game for Wisconsin winter tourism. Use a card with a variety of vehicle makes and models that you cross off whenever you spot one. Of course, it can only be counted if it is off the road and in need of tow truck recovery. Bonus points would be awarded for any vehicle upside down.
We were successful in our endeavor to stay between the ditches and arrived back home safely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You need to change that picture of you dumping water on your head if you are going to be spending this much time in the frozen north. Don't you have a picture of yourself with ice on your mustache and red cheeks (no not those cheeks).
