Sunday, May 31, 2009

May The Circle Be Unbroken

My wedding ring broke on Friday.

Over the years, my ring has gotten pretty beat up. It's never round and the finish is all worn off. Once, I lost one of the diamond chips at a construction site.

It finally wore so thin that it just gave out.

At a wedding, they almost always mention the significance of the rings. They are a symbol...and a metaphor, I guess. Not so much of our love, but of our marriage. My ring went everywhere I went. It weathered nasty working conditions and was along for the ride on plenty of fun times as I travelled all over the country and even other parts of the world. The ring has been a partner to me through all these things.

I'm not delusional. I know the difference between my wife and my wedding ring. I'm just saying that, over the years, that ring has gone through a lot, but it's always been with me. Our marriage has been through a lot, too. But, unlike my ring, instead of wearing thin and approaching the point of giving out...we're getting stronger and even more tightly bound together.

I like my ring. I need to get it fixed.


Dyl said...

Awwww. :) That's sweet.

I'm waiting for the blog about the Twitter thing!

Dyl said...

AND for your email about that chapter in The Reason for God.