Thursday, October 18, 2007

Potty Mouth

I read about a lady the other day who got arrested.

Her toilet overflowed, and in her panic and frustration of witnessing her kitchen below receiving the soaking result, she let out a profanity laced tirade. Well, this is when the trouble really started. Her neighbor did not appreciate this assault on her ears, so she warned her to cease or the police would be called. The profanity continued - the police arrived. Before the night was over, our verbal venting plumbing challenged woman was arrested for disorderly conduct. By the way, the neighbor was an off duty police officer.

Now, the ACLU has decided to get involved to represent the accused, since they feel she has the right to say anything she desires in her own home.

OK. Sometimes we need to just step back and look at things a little differently. For example, how would this story be if the neighbor would have decided to go over and help unclog the toilet and clean up the mess. I suppose I would not have read about it in the newspaper, but what an opportunity to do something for someone when they really need it.

I need to start realizing that I have a choice in how to react to a situation with another person.

As it has been said, "the harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing".

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