Wednesday, December 24, 2008


It warmed up a little, of course, it snowed... and it kind of rained a freezing drizzle mist like stuff that immediately froze on the roads. Cathy and I had to drive up to Janesville to grab a few Christmas gifts since we are headed down to Rock Island on Christmas Day.
In the 15 mile stretch of Interstate 90 from Beloit to Janesville I counted 14 vehicles that had spun off the road into the ditch or in the median.
So this gave me an idea for a new kind of travel bingo game for Wisconsin winter tourism. Use a card with a variety of vehicle makes and models that you cross off whenever you spot one. Of course, it can only be counted if it is off the road and in need of tow truck recovery. Bonus points would be awarded for any vehicle upside down.
We were successful in our endeavor to stay between the ditches and arrived back home safely.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

BBBBaby, It's CCCCCold Outside

Well, it just doesn't seem to get any better. This morning it was 11 degrees below zero. It warmed up to about 4 below by evening. It was very windy, so all the recent snow was drifting significantly. Check out the size of the snowdrift on the right side of the road in this photo. I took this shot today after dropping Cathy off at work. Yes, Friday was Cathy's final day at George Williams College. She was finally satisfied with having completed enough to actually leave by 8 p.m. tonight (Sunday). Those of you who know Cathy, know what I mean.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What's My Option?

Last night, we had another snowstorm of about 10"... more snow tonight, then it will get cold. Tomorrow's high will be about 0. Yes... zero (I didn't forget to put another number in front).

So, I notice that the guys standing around on the sidewalk "chewing the fat" have now taken to wearing at least a sweatshirt. Although, occasionally you will see guys pumping gas in a tee shirt - after all, it's not yet "bitter cold" here, I guess.

A couple of days ago, it was about 5 below and I had been moving some things over into our storage, it was about noon and I was hungry so I thought, "I'm in the mood to go into the diner, sit at the counter and eat a bowl of chili". Once again, the topic of discussion was not one I would expect to hear in Phoenix. Three different people were explaining to one another how to operate their remote car starters. These things have become such a common feature up here that one guy had the option on his car and didn't even know it. So, they figured it out for him - and sure enough, he got his car started while sitting in the coffee shop. It's only a matter of time before we can do away with keys, which is good with me since I locked my keys in my truck this week and had to call the police to come and open it up for me.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Fill 'Er Up

Tonight, after going out for dinner, we passed a gas station on the way home where I noticed a couple of snowmobiles at the gas station filling up.
I commented to Cathy that we wouldn't be seeing that in Arizona.
Something else I saw today that I don't anticipate seeing in Phoenix is the thermometer reading 2 degrees.
As I think about it, I realize I've never been on a snowmobile. How many people that have lived in Wisconsin their whole life can say that?

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Secret of Selling

I may have accidentally stumbled upon the real secret of selling.
In the complex, verbose and sometimes deceptive arena of selling used vehicles - tonight I saw success. Yes, tonight I sold our old pickup. It has served us very well for many years and many miles (253,000 miles to be exact). I sincerely hope the new owner gets many more from it.
So, it took somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 - 6 minutes to make the sale. As the buyers got out of their car, they handed me the money (my full asking price, by the way). Then they asked to hear it run. We started it up, I handed them the title and they drove away.
Did I mention the temperature outside was about 9 degrees?
This tends to discourage protracted discussions and intensive examination of every square inch of the vehicle.
My best suggestion for all of you latent used car saleman out there is to bring the vehicle up to Wisconsin around December or January, Make sure you park it outside - out in the open where it's windy, if possible. Then, wait for a cold snap; single digits or sub-zero is even better. Next, bring on the buyers.
If you can't manage this scenario, then I would at least try to wait till it's pouring rain to show the car. The bonus is that it will look really shiny when it's wet.
Oh man, what am I saying? What have I become? Somebody stop me before I make a regrettable career move.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Nose of a Different Color

I've been thinking a lot about Rudolph the last couple of days.

What about the complexities of his relationships to all the other reindeer?

At the beginning of the story, he is treated cruelly as they laugh at him and even call him names. They also intentionally exclude him from their fun social activities. So, how do we get from this to the statement, "...then all the reindeer loved him"? What exactly transpired to cause this dramatic transformation of attitude and behavior?

The boss (Santa), as we all know, asks Rudolph to lead the way since it is a foggy night. That is the only thing that happens to completely change those 8 ill-mannered ungracious personalities into loving, accepting companions. Once mocked, unpopular and isolated - how can he now be regarded by them as a hero? Maybe they're just selfish and concerned about the impending danger of flying into a building or cell tower.

My theory is that once they observed the boss showing Rudolph some appreciation they all became the first legitimate and literal "brown nosers".

Monday, December 1, 2008

Winter Wonder (what I'm doing here) Land

This morning I was reminded that I am once again in the land of snow, ice, slippery roads, ice scrapers, gloves and stocking caps.
I took this picture today just outside of Cathy's office after I had dropped her off for work.
Oh well, at least I got the chance to use the 4 wheel drive on my truck... for real.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pack Away?, Throw Away?, Give Away?

Well, this is an actual unretouched photo of the Nass family bedroom while being packed for moving day. It's a little overwhelming and kind of frightening to look around and see all that needs to be done. All we can do is charge ahead and keep working on it.
Unfortunately, Oscar is not being any help at all.
Oops... I better get going before I get caught sitting on the couch typing on my laptop.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lap of Luxury

Last night I left Phoenix about 5:30pm to head for Wisconsin. By 6:30 this morning, I made it to Amarillo, Texas. Tomorrow night, I will be in Saint Louis, Missouri. Then home on Monday in time to watch the Packer game with my wife.
The astute observer will notice what appears to be one of my Mother's handmade afghans on my motel bed. One look at the comforter and blanket provided with the room made me realize I really did not want them touching me. I went out to my truck and retrieved something much safer to sleep with.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


1/4 inch to go.
Most of the things in life that we anticipate, we are eagerly awaiting the beginning.
There seem to be very few pleasant experiences that generate excitement because they are about to end.
We are much more eager for a vacation to begin than to end. Our anticipation of a delicious meal is in waiting for the first bite. The first day we drive off in a new car is more fun than the day we sell it or junk it.
I enjoy reading. Even though I read different kinds of books, a good novel is a refreshing escape for me. It's a bit like the pleasure of a really good movie only extended a couple of days, or even weeks, instead of a couple of hours.
As of tonight, I only have a few pages remaining of a novel I started a few days ago.
I eagerly anticipate the conclusion of a well-written book. Sometimes, I even slow my pace as I reach the final chapters, just to savor the story a little longer.
So, I'm ready to finish this book I've been reading because tonight I went to the bookstore and bought a new one.
...And I'm eager to start it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rare Photo

Sometime about 25 or 30 years ago, this vagrant stranger showed up at my brother's house. He sat there in the rocking chair for hours spinning tales of his journeys and adventures.
Nobody really knows what ever became of him, with his bushy beard and wire-rimmed glasses.
My guess is...he doesn't exist anymore. Though, there are times when he seems to have been in places familiar to me. Other times, I think I recognize him following me at a distance. When I turn back to find him...he's gone.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Today's Line

Certain things are definitive. They define someone or some situation.

A line in the sand.

These things mark where you are at this very point in your life. From here, you can't retrace the steps backward. Forward is your only direction.

But there is always that line. You can look back at it and remember being there.

Today I put an envelope in the mailbox. Inside was the notice to our current landlords that we will be moving out of our Wisconsin apartment within 60 days.
It feels like one of those definitive things.
A line in the sand.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Two Wheel Weekend

This morning I rolled up my sleeping bag and packed up my tent, then turned out onto the highway.

The weather was ideal, the road was a winding mountain pass and the scenery was amazing. Among the pine forests were a few trees changing color and the leaves they were losing blew across the road.

A day like this, I thought, was a day to be riding a motorcycle on these roads, in this weather, with this view.

Sometimes, I'm grateful to be able to roll the throttle.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Balanced Diet

There seems to be perpetual dispute concerning exactly what constitutes a "balanced" diet.
When I was a kid, they taught me the 4 basic food groups. I don't even think those groups exist anymore.

Today, however it finally started to dawn on me that I usually eat a balanced diet without even being aware of it. It has to do with what I end up craving at any given time of the day.

Allow me to illustrate.

Sometimes, when it is time for me to eat lunch, I don't really feel like eating a greasy burger and fries (although, sometimes I do). Today, for example I stopped at Wendy's to eat a salad and a baked potato with a glass of water. This seemed like a pretty sensible, relatively healthy meal.
So, when it came time for me to eat supper tonight, there was an overwhelming urge to "balance" my diet. I did the only thing I could do.
I ate a triple bologna sandwich on soft white bread followed by two bowls of Trix cereal.

I am one with the universe.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pallet Police

This is a pallet. A wooden pallet.
Some people call it a "skid".

There are billions of these all over the world.

A simple functional item born out of the necessity to move a pile of boxes, cartons, or whatever with the use of a forklift. (The wonders of the industrial age.)

As you look around you right now, wherever you are sitting, all the manufactured items you see, at one point probably travelled on a pallet.

This week, my brother was explaining that a pallet had been refused entry into our country by US Customs. They were requiring us to send this refugee pallet back to the foreign land from whence it came. This wooden pallet was shipped back at a cost of about $225.

Within a week or two, we receive another bill from overseas. They are now charging us $335. to dispose of said pallet.

Needless to say, it would have been better for us if this pallet had never been born.

First of all, I would assume that we have the technology in the US to properly dispose of a wooden pallet - especially with a budget of $335.

Maybe we should feel better that the trend has been a move toward plastic pallets. I guess filling landfills with non-organic plastic is somehow better, in the minds of some, than continued use of an organic renewable resource.

You can sleep well tonight - knowing that US Customs and Border Patrol, The TSA and Homeland Security are hard at work protecting America one pallet at a time. Once you allow one bad pallet into this country...well, who knows what could get in next?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Which Way To The OK?

Who might these dapper, well -armed gents be?

And what about the madam?

Since they were all seen lingering on the street of Tombstone Arizona not far from the OK Corral, my guess would be the brothers Earp - Morgan, Virgil and Wyatt, along with Doc Holliday (sporting a cane). The madam on Doc's arm would be Big Nose Kate.

I suppose they aren't actually those people...nevertheless, if your name happens to be Clanton or McLaurey... it might be a good idea to walk on the other side of the street.

Or get out of town altogether.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Down on the Farm

I've been living in Phoenix Arizona now off and on for about a year.

Last weekend, as I was back in the Midwest, I was reminded of some of the things that make these two parts of the country so different.

One morning, I took advantage of some early morning time to get breakfast in the local small town coffee shop in Wisconsin. The same small town where I grew up and lived most of my life.

While enjoying my breakfast, I was eavesdropping on a conversation between Dan, a local electrician, and Jeff, one of the local veterinarians. Dan was telling the story about the first time he was working out at Fred Howard's farm. Dan was doing some wiring in the barn when Fred came out and asked him what he was doing for lunch. Dan told Fred he brought a sack lunch with him in the truck. Fred walked over to Dan's truck and pulled the sack off the seat and opened it up. Fred took the sandwich and threw it to the pigs. Then, he took the apple and threw it to the pigs. Next, he walked over to Dan and said, "Now you're having lunch with us up at the house." Dan said it was like a Thanksgiving dinner. Every day he was working out there, they served him a meal like that. After listening, Jeff gave a knowing nod, indicating his own familiarity with the Howard's culinary generosity.

There were other stories - one about a goat and one about the guy who picks up all the dead livestock in the county - but this "lunch" story was the one I liked.

I can't help but think that we would all be a little better off if, from time to time, we threw someone's sandwich to the pigs and asked them to sit at our table.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bonfire of the Vanities

My step-son, Ian, was married this weekend.

But before that, there was a rehearsal. And after the rehearsal, there was a party at the home of Ian's dad in Rock Island, Illinois.

They had a bonfire going in the backyard while we were eating and standing in the yard. Quite a few kids were running around chasing each other through the lawn and burning off energy - having just come from a church rehearsal that afforded them no such opportunity.

All in all, it was a very cordial, relaxed atmosphere.

Then the fire truck arrived, blowing the horn with all the lights flashing.

The fire truck pulled into the parking lot behind the neighbor's house, near the bonfire.

Apparently, the neighbor had called the fire department complaining about the size of the fire.

The firemen were kind of apologetic about being there and did a token spraying of the perimeter (in case the neighbor was watching). Then, the firemen let the kids hold the hose and do some of the spraying. At this point, one of the firemen had a pretty good idea which he thought might keep the neighbor from calling in a complaint in the future. He asked all the kids, "Does anyone want to get up in the truck and blow the horn?" Excitedly, the kids took their turns sitting in the firetruck blowing the horn.

After all of this, with the firetruck diesel engine idling and lights flashing (still parked behind the neighbor's house) - it only seemed polite to invite the firemen into the house to wash up and fill up their plates with barbecued pork sandwiches... which they did.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rock On

Molly has the ring.

So, the rock is on her finger.

I don't know when the wedding will be...but I have heard the word, "February" spoken around here with some frequency the last couple of days.

I also don't really know where it will be...but Molly has been looking at several potential outdoor wedding locations here around Phoenix...soooo, I think that likely means you should all start writing to Santa asking for plane tickets to Phoenix for your Christmas present.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Man with a Mission

Do you notice anything unusual about this man?
OK. He's holding a red rose. True.

Anything else?

That look in his eye?
The expression on his face?

That's the unmistakable look of pending commitment.

Shortly after this photo of Matt was taken, he surprised Molly, my niece, by asking her to marry him.
Yep. That's a commitment.

Matt flew from Chicago to Phoenix yesterday to surprise Molly while she was playing and singing on stage at Cornerstone Church. Molly thought he was in Chicago when he walked into the room and boldly went up to her on stage, dropped down to his knee (at this point there was applause and whistling from everyone watching), offered the ring and popped the question.

Judging by the reaction of them both - they don't seem to fear commitment.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jeans and a Movie

How do you get in to see a movie for free?

Back when I was a youngster, there were a couple of creative options. You could buy a ticket for one movie, then after it was finished you could slip into another theater to watch a different one. Or, a bunch of us (I mean "them") could pool our (their) money to buy one ticket, then that guy could let the rest of us (I mean "them") in through the fire exit door.

I only know these things because of all those ne'er-do-wells that I was in school with, of course.

Anyway, tonight we discovered a much easier (and completely legal) method.

Try on a pair of jeans.

Yep. That's it. Go to the mall, find the store that was giving away a free movie ticket for trying on a pair of jeans and walk out with a free ticket. If you actually bought some jeans, they would give you two free tickets.

Currently, I have no need for another pair of jeans or a second ticket. But I'll put on a pair of pants to see a movie for free any day.

Palin Power

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Knock Before Entering

Last night, Cathy decided to take a shower before going to bed.

Everything was fine until she pulled back the shower curtain only to discover the tub was already occupied.

A scorpion was in there waiting for her.

I was able to dive in there and overpower that poisonous little devil with the sole of my sandal.

No one was harmed (except of course the scorpion).

My brother aptly observed how fortunate Cathy was. When Dylan was visiting here, we had to hike halfway up the mountain to finally find a scorpion. Cathy only had to go as far as the bathroom.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Arizona Tourist


That's my wife visiting Arizona. She will be here all this week checking up on me. We were able to travel up to the Grand Canyon for a little mini vacation together. It was a stormy day at the canyon - which made for some interesting views. You can check out all the photos on my web album.

This week will go way too fast as it is, so I have to stop typing to squeeze in every possible moment of quality time with my Mrs. Nass

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Just Desserts

Yesterday morning, my wife called me to ask what kind of stereo we had in the pickup truck she drives. Since she called me while driving the pickup, I thought that was a pretty curious question.

Well, as you have probably guessed, overnight someone stole the stereo out of our truck. Cathy was filing a police report.

It was a Blaupunkt with a removable face. As it turned out - the whole thing was removable.

Anyway, it would be satisfying to find the person who now has our stereo. Id like to see how they like it... especially since it has been broken for about a year.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Camping Conundrum

From time to time, I notice things that seem very ordinary, but then as I start to think them through, I wonder how we got there.

"Let's padlock the toilet paper."

While enjoying the luxury accommodations of a New Mexico campground pit toilet, I observed the serious security that had been applied to the toilet paper roll. Now, to be sure, I am awfully glad someone took efforts to ensure the availability of this delicate comfort to me.

And yet...?

As I recalled checking in to the campground the night before, I remembered that the guard station was closed and no one was on duty. They had instituted what they call, "Self Check-In". You put your money in a box at the gate. We call this the "Honor System".

So, even though you can use the campground on the 'honor system", there is apparently no honor among toilet paper thieves.

We trust you with our campground, we just don't trust you with our toilet paper.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Motorcycle Math

Today, I decided to put new grips on my motorcycle. My plan is to travel to Colorado later this week, so I am trying to get things ready.
As I came out into the parking lot to get on my bike, I saw this guy sitting on the pavement with a bunch of tools spread out on the ground repairing the shifter linkage on his motorcycle. His cycle was very heavily loaded down with all kinds of gear and he had Minnesota plates.While I was standing there talking to him, a couple of guys from the dealership came out and offered to help him push his machine up by the building where he could be in the shade.
Did I mention it was 106 degrees?
His reply was, "Dat's OK. I'm fine. I gotta get used to it, anyway." They tried several times to convince him.
Did I mention it was 106 degrees?
Finally, they gave up and I heard one of them say to the other as they were walking back, "Those guys from Minnesota are tough."
I was thinking, "Yep. I coulda told ya dat."
Back to my story.
I decided to try doing the installation of the new grips myself, so that I could save $40. A couple of hours later, I was pretty pleased with myself at having succeeded.
So, I saved $40.
I did, however, buy a belt buckle for $30. and the tools needed for the installation cost me $16. So, that makes $46.
The way I figure it, the grips I removed, I can sell on Ebay. All I have to do is get $6, and I break even...or is it $46. to break even? I don't know... I'm not sure.
Anyway, if you're interested, the grips pictured are the ones for sale. look for them on Ebay.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Yesterday, on my way home from the office to my brother's house (where I'm staying), the street was closed off with crime scene tape. News helicopters and camera crews were all on the scene.

Apparently, someone found a body in the canal just a couple of blocks from my brother's house.

Since the police don't suspect "foul play", I guess this should still be considered a safe neighborhood.

So Long, Brett

For anyone out there aspiring to become a negotiator - take a close look at the methods of Ted Thompson. You can learn everything NOT to do.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

No Pomp nor Circumstance

No Cap
No Gown
No Tassel
No Ceremony
No Pomp and Circumstance

My achievement this year has been to obtain my Arizona State Contractors License.

I passed the exams, submitted all the necessary qualifications and experience records for the state to provide me with a dual residential/commercial general contractors license.

Copperhead Construction LLC is also licensed with the Arizona Corporation Commission and I am the owner.

Even though I never went to college, it all makes me feel a little like I can share in the sense of accomplishment that Jamie, Dylan and Cathy all experienced this past year in receiving their University degrees.

Officially, I hold a KB-02 license number ROC244917.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Oreos and Motorcycles

There is a Harley Davidson dealership in northern Phoenix known as Buddy Stubbs Harley Davidson. Buddy grew up racing motorcycles in the 50's and 60's. At his dealership, he also houses a motorcycle museum with about 150 vintage motorcycles of all kinds from all over the world. I knew he offered tours on the last Saturday of every month - today fell into that category.
I decided to ride up there today and check things out.
When I arrived, they were having some kind of event (fairly typical for a HD dealership on any given weekend). After asking where I might find a bottle of water, I ended up in a room with tables of food. There was ham, turkey, beef, cheese,. chips and cookies. Two large coolers were filled with cold soda and bottled water. I had to ask if this was all for some local group. "Nope. It's for anybody and it's free. Help yourself."
I accepted that invitation.
An observation I'd like to make at this point may not make sense to everyone, but here it is anyway.
When you are giving away all this free food to a bunch of bikers - who cares what brand of chips you buy, or what kind of cookies you put on the table? Or if you put any cookies out at all?

The chips were genuine Ruffles. The cookies were genuine Oreos.

I like the fact that when given an opportunity to skimp by buying cheap chips and knock-off Oreos, they didn't.

Sometimes, it's refreshing to find someone willing to spend a little extra for the real thing - even if they are just giving it away.

I was also able to tour the museum, with Buddy Stubbs as the guide. It was fascinating to hear his stories about the history behind some of the cycles.

So, all in all, it was very enjoyable. I got to meet the real Buddy Stubbs, see some authentic vintage motorcycles, eat authentic Ruffles and authentic Oreo cookies.

And it didn't cost me a dime.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Twin Cities Church

What to do on a Thursday evening in Minneapolis, Minnesota?

Stop in at the home of Jamie and Diedra Nass. They are having church.

Twin Cities Church has a meeting every week at their place.

Last Thursday, I was able to be there with them. What a wonderful evening.

First of all, a great group of people arrived, then we sat down to a fine meal.

After eating, we all sang a couple of hymns. Then Jamie led a discussion on a passage from Ephesians 3.

As people were filtering home, I was able to have some interesting conversations.

Good food, good people, good singing, good teaching, good conversation. What more could you want on any given Thursday?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jimmy Alabama

Who is Jimmy Alabama?

Jimmy Alabama is an ex-marine sniper and weapons specialist now working for Greenpeace. He is actively involved in the NRA while simultaneously being passionate about his membership in PETA. Politically, he is known as a liberal Democratic Republican conservative who can be seen supporting the Green party on occasion. His unending battle against global warming is matched only by his loyalty to Ducks Unlimited, and of course, Whitetails Unlimited. His Hummer is easily recognized by the bumper sticker, "No War For Oil".

The truth is, Jimmy Alabama supports every cause and participates in any special offer presented to him by anyone - but especially those people on the sidewalks of Minneapolis who beckon, "Can I have a minute of your time?". Now, all of these people with global causes, political agendas and special offers will be uniformly invited to email Jimmy about "Saving the planet, saving the children, saving the whales, saving gas, ...whatever.

Because any cause is his cause.

Email Jimmy at

Jimmy Alabama lives.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Today, Larry and Dylan and I went to a baseball game.

Arizona Diamondbacks vs. Milwaukee Brewers

We sat in the enclosed air conditioned comfort of Chase field at 72 degrees when the outside temperature was about 110.

Dylan and I wore the appropriate Brewer apparel, while Larry wore his free Diamondback t-shirt from his bank (Chase Bank I'm guessing).

The Brewers were ahead 5 - 0 going in to the bottom of the 9th inning. Somehow, despite their inability to score a single run all day, the Diamondbacks managed to score 6 in the bottom of the 9th to win.

As you can tell, this photo of me and Dylan was taken prior to the bottom of the 9th inning.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Canyon Cowboys

I just realized that I failed to post the news that Dylan and I went to the Grand Canyon a couple of weeks ago.

We left Phoenix on Saturday morning and found the last campsite available in Sedona. And I really mean the last site in the last campground.

There were only 2 simple goals for the weekend.

1. Buy cowboy hats
2. See the Grand Canyon

Based on this agenda, the weekend could not have been a greater success.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008

Pasture Pool

There is a form of torture here in Arizona that forces one to spend about 6 hours during the heat of the day, with the temperature hovering around 115 degrees engaged in an activity frought with frustration.


Yes, that's my brother playing his lie in what is called an "Arizona Desert Course".

It was brutal out there. I almost died.

I know there is no sympathy for us, since we were participating in a voluntary recreational activity reserved mostly for the upper class. Well, there's the rub. It is now very evident why the cheapest place to play golf in the world is an "Arizona Desert Course" in the middle of Summer in the middle of the day.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

And Then There Were None

Click on the arrow in the lower left hand corner to play this dramatic video.

Shave and a Haircut Two Bits

I guess once it hit 118 degrees out here, it was time to take a little off the top.

Dylan opted for the traditional military 1/4" buzz cut. Good choice.

It looks like he has an awesome barber. But what I really want to know is, "Who is the barber's barber?" That guy must be really awesome.

Progress Report

Well, it's looking a lot more like the picture on the cover of the box all the time.

I'm pretty sure today is the day.

The final pieces are falling into place awfully fast now.

Monday, June 16, 2008

New Kickers

Friday the 13th was a good day for me.

A package was delivered to me from the North Face store in Minneapolis MN.

Inside, I found (to my delight) a pair of North Face Mountain Sneakers. A Father's Day gift from my ever thoughtful children.

Not only are these sneakers totally awesome looking...but they are bound to make me the envy of every tree-hugging, ped watching, fashion jealous Arizonian.

Why? You ask.

These are Eco-Sneakers.

They are a green shoe (even though they're brown)

Allow me to explain ---

The Upper:

A combination of metal-free suede and spun bamboo textile with a plant cellulose fiber foam sockliner

The Bottom:

40% recycled rubber outsole; Cork EVA midsole with plant cellulose fiber heel cushioning and a bamboo shank midsole support.

I am sooooo cool.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Paper or Plastic?

Today I stopped in the grocery store on my way home from work to pick up some hot dogs and tuna.

As the checker is scanning my groceries, she asks in a fairly cheerful tone," Would you like to donate a dollar to prostate cancer research?"

Prostate cancer was not the topic I expected my grocery checker to bring up to me while she was bagging my tuna and hot dogs.

As I walked out to the parking lot, I began to wonder if the female customers were being asked to donate to breast cancer research.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

I Just Saw That Piece

Dylan enjoying his time in the "Man Cave"

A pretty awesome puzzle he received in a package the other day from someone named "Lauren"?
Or should I say,
An awesome puzzle he received in a package the other day from someone pretty named Lauren?

Thems Good Eatin'

OK, I can't vouch for that personally. But according to everything I've seen from Les Stroud and Bear Grylls, cut off that stinger on the tail and chow down.

no scorpions were harmed in the posting of this blog.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Hunt

Late at night on mountain trails in Arizona... if you're lucky... and persistent... and very cautious, you might come across these elusive, and sometimes violent, nocturnal creatures.
I call them scorpion poachers.

I made sure to keep my distance from these two.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My New T Shirt

I received this shirt as a gift from my wife in the mail today.

Of course, not everyone will understand it... unless you are familiar with the comment by New Mexico Senator Albert Fall speaking before Congress during the 1920s "Teapot Dome" scandal.

I guess it was also used in that current popular movie, There Will Be Blood.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Graduation Fever

This is not a halloween costume.

This is the real deal.

This is a genuine graduate.

Holding a genuine degree.

Now Dylan will be chasing another degree and another graduation (PHD) at Clemson University in South Carolina